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Pavel Diviš and Alice Rezková Discussing Future Tourism Opportunities and Investment Projects

Pavel Diviš and Alice Rezková Discussing Future Tourism Opportunities and Investment Projects

The new direct flight between Taipei and Prague is set to open up a whole new world of tourism opportunities.

Our Chairman, Pavel Diviš, and Executive Director, Alice Rezková, attended a meeting with the Governor of the Ústí Region, Jan Schiller, and Mr. Liang-Ruey Ke, the Head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague.


1689927560371(The photos source: The office of Ústí Region)


The purpose was to discuss the future collaboration between Taiwan and the Czech Republic in the tourism sector and potential future investment projects. We are looking forward to exploring the possibilities this new direct flight brings.


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Czech - Taiwanese Business Chamber
Rybná 716/24, Staré Město
110 00 Praha, Czech Republic

+420 607 163 521
